
Calculates the SHA-224 hash value, SHA-256 hash value, SHA-384 hash value, or SHA-512 hash value of a string.


VARCHAR sha2(VARCHAR expr, INT hash_length)


  • Expr: the string whose value you want to calculate.
  • hash_length: the length of a hash value. The value of this parameter can be 224, 256, 384, 512, or 0. The value 0 is equivalent to 256. If you set this parameter to any other value, this function returns NULL.

Return value

Returns a hash value of the VARCHAR type. If any of the two input parameters is Null, Null is returned.


mysql> select sha2('abc',224);


| sha2('abc', 224)                                         |


| 23097d223405d8228642a477bda255b32aadbce4bda0b3f7e36c9da7 |


1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select sha2('abc', 384);


| sha2('abc', 384)                                                                                 |


| cb00753f45a35e8bb5a03d699ac65007272c32ab0eded1631a8b605a43ff5bed8086072ba1e7cc2358baeca134c825a7 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sha2('abc', 1),sha2('abc', null), sha2(null, 384);


| sha2('abc', 1) | sha2('abc', NULL) | sha2(NULL, 384) |


| NULL           | NULL              | NULL            |


1 row in set (0.01 sec)
