

Converts a bitmap to a Base64-encoded string.


VARCHAR bitmap_to_base64(BITMAP bitmap)


bitmap: the bitmap to convert. This parameter is required. If the input value is invalid, an error is returned.

Return value

Returns a value of the VARCHAR type.


Example 1: Use this function with other bitmap functions.

select bitmap_to_base64(bitmap_from_string("0, 1, 2, 3"));
| bitmap_to_base64(bitmap_from_string('0, 1, 2, 3')) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select bitmap_to_base64(to_bitmap(1));
| bitmap_to_base64(to_bitmap(1)) |
| AQEAAAA=                       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

select bitmap_to_base64(bitmap_empty());
| bitmap_to_base64(bitmap_empty()) |
| AA==                             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Example 2: Convert each value in a BITMAP column into Base64-encoded strings.

  1. Create an Aggregate table page_uv where the AGGREGATE KEY is (page_id, visit_date). This table contains a BITMAP column visit_users whose values are to be aggregated.

        CREATE TABLE `page_uv`
        (`page_id` INT NOT NULL,
        `visit_date` datetime NOT NULL,
        `visit_users` BITMAP BITMAP_UNION NOT NULL
        ) ENGINE=OLAP
        AGGREGATE KEY(`page_id`, `visit_date`)
        DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`page_id`)
        PROPERTIES (
        "replication_num" = "3",
        "storage_format" = "DEFAULT"
  2. Insert data into this table.

      insert into page_uv values
      (1, '2020-06-23 01:30:30', to_bitmap(13)),
      (1, '2020-06-23 01:30:30', to_bitmap(23)),
      (1, '2020-06-23 01:30:30', to_bitmap(33)),
      (1, '2020-06-23 02:30:30', to_bitmap(13)),
      (2, '2020-06-23 01:30:30', to_bitmap(23));
      select * from page_uv order by page_id;
      | page_id | visit_date          | visit_users |
      |       1 | 2020-06-23 01:30:30 | NULL        |
      |       1 | 2020-06-23 02:30:30 | NULL        |
      |       2 | 2020-06-23 01:30:30 | NULL        |
  3. Convert each value in the visit_users column into a Base64-encoded string.

      select page_id, bitmap_to_base64(visit_users) from page_uv;
      | page_id | bitmap_to_base64(visit_users)            |
      |       1 | AQ0AAAA=                                 |
      |       2 | ARcAAAA=                                 |