Load data from cloud storage

This tutorial uses Amazon S3 as an example to demonstrate how to load data from cloud storage into CelerData Cloud Serverless.


This feature is included in the Premium software edition. Please see the Software editions documentation for details on the differences between Standard and Premium editions if you are subscribed to the Standard edition.

After reading this tutorial, you will be able to load data from an S3 bucket into a destination CelerData table by using INSERT+FILES().

This tutorial uses the Parquet file format as an example. For information about how to load data of other file formats, see FILES and Batch load data from Amazon S3.

Interface: SQL

Estimated time: 20 to 30 minutes


  • You have a CelerData cloud account and is a user with the necessary privileges to create databases and tables. If you do not fulfill these prerequisites, follow the instructions in Sign up for CelerData Cloud Serverless.

  • You have obtained the S3 URI of the data file.

    In this tutorial, CelerData provides sample datasets stored in the s3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/ path on Amazon S3, helping you run a quick data load into cloud storage.

  • You have created a database and a table in your CelerData cloud. Make sure that the table has the same schema as the data file you store in Amazon S3.

    In this tutorial, the database mydatabase and the table user_behavior are used as examples:

    USE mydatabase;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_behavior;
    CREATE TABLE `user_behavior` (
        `UserID` int(11),
        `ItemID` int(11),
        `CategoryID` int(11),
        `BehaviorType` varchar(65533),
        `Timestamp` datetime

Load your data

Query the sample dataset

You can use SELECT * FROM FILES(...) to query the sample dataset customer01.parquet:

    'path' = 's3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet/customer01.parquet',
    'format' = 'parquet',
    'aws.s3.use_instance_profile' = 'false',
    'aws.s3.access_key' = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA',
  • FILES() is a table function, which can read the file stored in cloud storage based on the path-related properties you specify, infer the table schema of the data in the file, and then return the data from the file as data rows.
  • The above example queries the CelerData-provided Parquet-formatted sample dataset customer01.parquet. Hence the path parameter is set to s3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet/customer01.parquet and the format parameter is set to parquet.
  • The above example uses the IAM user-based authentication method and therefore includes the parameters aws.s3.access_key and aws.s3.secret_key. For information about the other authentication methods available, see Authenticate to AWS resources.


If you want to load your own data stored in Amazon S3, you need to set path to the S3 URI of your data file. Also, you need to configure authentication parameters to allow access to that S3 URI.

Load data from a single file using INSERT+FILES()

Use the INSERT INTO statement and the above-mentioned SELECT * FROM FILES(...) statement to load the data of the customer01.parquet file into the user_behavior table:

INSERT INTO user_behavior
    'path' = 's3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet/customer01.parquet',
    'format' = 'parquet',
    'aws.s3.use_instance_profile' = 'false',
    'aws.s3.access_key' = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA',

View the load job information

Use the following statement to view the information about the load job you just submitted:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.loads ORDER BY JOB_ID DESC;

Information similar to the following is returned:

| JOB_ID | LABEL                                       | DATABASE_NAME | STATE    | PROGRESS            | TYPE   | PRIORITY | SCAN_ROWS | FILTERED_ROWS | UNSELECTED_ROWS | SINK_ROWS | ETL_INFO | TASK_INFO                                           | CREATE_TIME         | ETL_START_TIME      | ETL_FINISH_TIME     | LOAD_START_TIME     | LOAD_FINISH_TIME    | JOB_DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | ERROR_MSG | TRACKING_URL | TRACKING_SQL | REJECTED_RECORD_PATH |
|  30045 | insert_aa4519c3-6cc0-11ee-b1ae-065bac47e6e9 | mydatabase    | FINISHED | ETL:100%; LOAD:100% | INSERT | NORMAL   |         5 |             0 |               0 |         5 |          | resource:N/A; timeout(s):300; max_filter_ratio:0.0  | 2023-10-17 00:42:04 | 2023-10-17 00:42:04 | 2023-10-17 00:42:04 | 2023-10-17 00:42:04 | 2023-10-17 00:42:04 | {"All backends":{"aa4519c3-6cc0-11ee-b1ae-065bac47e6e9":[10004]},"FileNumber":0,"FileSize":0,"InternalTableLoadBytes":723,"InternalTableLoadRows":5,"ScanBytes":655,"ScanRows":5,"TaskNumber":1,"Unfinished backends":{"aa4519c3-6cc0-11ee-b1ae-065bac47e6e9":[]}} | NULL      | NULL         | NULL         | NULL                 |
  • The SCAN_ROWS field tells you that the customer01.parquet file consists of 5 data rows.
  • The SINK_ROWS field tells you that a total of 5 data rows are successfully loaded into the user_behavior table.
  • For more information, you can see the JOB_DETAILS field.

For information about the fields provided in the loads view, see Information Schema.


INSERT INTO is a synchronous statement. Therefore, if the load job is still running, you need to open another session to query its execution status.

Then, use the following statement to query the user_behavior table:

SELECT * FROM user_behavior LIMIT 3;

Load data from multiple data files using INSERT+FILES()

You can use wildcards in the path parameter to specify multiple data files you want to load.

The following example loads the data of multiple files, customer02.parquet, customer03.parquet, and customer04.parquet, into the user_behavior table:

INSERT INTO user_behavior
    'path' = 's3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet/customer0[2-4].parquet',
    'format' = 'parquet',
    'aws.s3.use_instance_profile' = 'false',
    'aws.s3.access_key' = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA',

Load data using CTAS

In the above examples, you need to create a table before you can load data by using INSERT+FILES().

You can also load data by using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) statement without creating a table up front. The following example creates a table named user_behavior_ctas and loads the data of all files named like customer0*.parquet in the s3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet path to that table:

CREATE TABLE user_behavior_ctas AS
    'path' = 's3://lilyliukinesis/tutorials/parquet/customer0*.parquet'
    , 'format' = 'parquet'
    , 'aws.s3.use_instance_profile' = 'false'
    , 'aws.s3.access_key' = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'

Use the following statement to query the user_behavior_ctas table, and you will find the table has been created and data has successfully loaded into it:

SELECT * FROM user_behavior_ctas LIMIT 3;

Clean up the environment

Congratulations! You have finished your journey with a data load on CelerData Cloud Serverless!

Use the following statement to drop mydatabase you created for a test run.