Invite new users to your account

If you want to collaborate with your team members in CelerData Cloud Serverless, you can invite them as users to your CelerData cloud account.

While inviting new users, you can customize their usernames, initial passwords, and default roles.


Currently, creating new users with SQL commands is not supported in CelerData Cloud Serverless.


You must have and activate the user_admin role to perform this operation.


Follow these steps to invite a user to your CelerData cloud account:

  1. Sign in to the CelerData Cloud Serverless console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose User&Role.

  3. On the User tab of the User&Role page, click Create user.

  4. In the Add a new user to this account dialog box, configure the user properties as follows and click Add:

    • Username: Enter a username for the user.
    • Password: Enter the initial password for the user.
    • Confirm Password: Confirm the initial password for the user.
    • Default role (Optional): Optionally select the default role for the user from the drop-down list. If you do not specify this field, only the public role will be granted to the user. You can also set default roles for the user after it is created. For more information, see Manage user privileges.


After the user is created, you can share the username, initial password, and the URL of your CelerData Cloud Serverless console with the team member. When the new user sign in to the CelerData Cloud Serverless console, they can optionally reset the password and activate roles by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to the CelerData Cloud Serverless console with the console URL, username, and initial password.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the console, click the user profile icon, and then Profile and User settings.

  3. On the Overview tab of the dialog box that appears, enter a new password in the Password section, and click Change password.


  4. On the Role state tab, click Modify the role status, activate the roles on demand, and click Save changes.
