Iceberg catalog

An Iceberg catalog is an external catalog that enables you to query data from Apache Iceberg without ingestion into CelerData Cloud Serverless. To ensure successful SQL workloads on your Iceberg cluster, CelerData must be able to access the storage system and metastore of your Iceberg cluster. CelerData supports the following storage systems and metastores:

  • Object storage like AWS S3

  • Metastore like Hive metastore or AWS Glue

Usage notes

  • The file formats of Iceberg that CelerData supports are Parquet and ORC:

    • Parquet files support the following compression formats: SNAPPY, LZ4, ZSTD, GZIP, and NO_COMPRESSION.
    • ORC files support the following compression formats: ZLIB, SNAPPY, LZO, LZ4, ZSTD, and NO_COMPRESSION.
  • In addition to v1 tables, Iceberg catalogs support ORC-formatted v2 tables and Parquet-formatted v2 tables.

Create an Iceberg catalog


[COMMENT <comment>]
    "type" = "iceberg",



The name of the Iceberg catalog. The naming conventions are as follows:

  • The name can contain letters, digits (0-9), and underscores (_). It must start with a letter.
  • The name is case-sensitive and cannot exceed 1023 characters in length.


The description of the Iceberg catalog. This parameter is optional.


The type of your data source. Set the value to iceberg.


A set of parameters about how CelerData integrates with the metastore of your data source.

Hive metastore

If you choose Hive metastore as the metastore of your data source, check that CelerData can access the host of your Hive metastore.


In normal cases, you can take one of the following actions to enable integration between CelerData and your Hive metastore:

  • Deploy CelerData and your Hive metastore on the same VPC.
  • Configure a VPC peering connection between the VPC hosting CelerData and the VPC hosting your Hive metastore.

Then, check the configurations of the security group of your Hive metastore to ensure that its inbound rules allow inbound traffic from CelerData's security group and that its port range covers the default port 9083.

"iceberg.catalog.type" = "hive",
"hive.metastore.uris" = "<hive_metastore_uri>"

The following table describes the parameter you need to configure in MetastoreParams.

iceberg.catalog.typeYesThe type of metastore that you use for your Iceberg cluster. Set the value to hive.
hive.metastore.urisYesThe URI of your Hive metastore. Format: thrift://<metastore_IP_address>:<metastore_port>.
If high availability (HA) is enabled for your Hive metastore, you can specify multiple metastore URIs and separate them with commas (,), for example, "thrift://<metastore_IP_address_1>:<metastore_port_1>","thrift://<metastore_IP_address_2>:<metastore_port_2>","thrift://<metastore_IP_address_3>:<metastore_port_3>".
AWS Glue

If you choose AWS Glue as the metastore of your data source, which is supported only when you choose AWS S3 as storage, take one of the following actions:

  • To choose the instance profile-based authentication method, configure MetastoreParams as follows:

    "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
    "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.glue.region" = "<aws_glue_region>"
  • To choose the assumed role-based authentication method, configure MetastoreParams as follows:

    "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
    "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.glue.iam_role_arn" = "<iam_role_arn>",
    "aws.glue.region" = "<aws_glue_region>"
  • To choose the IAM user-based authentication method, configure MetastoreParams as follows:

    "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
    "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "false",
    "aws.glue.access_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
    "aws.glue.secret_key" = "<iam_user_secret_key>",
    "aws.glue.region" = "<aws_s3_region>"

The following table describes the parameters you need to configure in MetastoreParams.

iceberg.catalog.typeYesThe type of metastore that you use for your Hive cluster. Set the value to glue.
aws.glue.use_instance_profileYesSpecifies whether to enable the instance profile-based authentication method and the assumed role-based authentication. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false.
aws.glue.iam_role_arnNoThe ARN of the IAM role that has privileges on your AWS Glue Data Catalog. If you use the assumed role-based authentication method to access AWS Glue, you must specify this parameter.
aws.glue.regionYesThe region in which your AWS Glue Data Catalog resides. Example: us-west-1.
aws.glue.access_keyNoThe access key of your AWS IAM user. If you use the IAM user-based authentication method to access AWS Glue, you must specify this parameter.
aws.glue.secret_keyNoThe secret key of your AWS IAM user. If you use the IAM user-based authentication method to access AWS Glue, you must specify this parameter.

For information about how to choose an authentication method for accessing AWS Glue and how to configure an access control policy in the AWS IAM Console, see Authentication parameters for accessing AWS Glue.


A set of parameters about how CelerData integrates with your object storage.


If you choose AWS S3 as storage for your Hive cluster, take one of the following actions:

  • To choose the instance profile-based authentication method, configure StorageCredentialParams as follows:

    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<aws_s3_region>"
  • To choose the assumed role-based authentication method, configure StorageCredentialParams as follows:

    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.s3.iam_role_arn" = "<iam_role_arn>",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<aws_s3_region>"
  • To choose the IAM user-based authentication method, configure StorageCredentialParams as follows:

    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "false",
    "aws.s3.access_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
    "aws.s3.secret_key" = "<iam_user_secret_key>",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<aws_s3_region>"

The following table describes the parameters you need to configure in StorageCredentialParams.

aws.s3.use_instance_profileYesSpecifies whether to enable the instance profile-based authentication method and the assumed role-based authentication method. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false.
aws.s3.iam_role_arnNoThe ARN of the IAM role that has privileges on your AWS S3 bucket. If you use the assumed role-based authentication method to access AWS S3, you must specify this parameter.
aws.s3.regionYesThe region in which your AWS S3 bucket resides. Example: us-west-1.
aws.s3.access_keyNoThe access key of your IAM user. If you use the IAM user-based authentication method to access AWS S3, you must specify this parameter.
aws.s3.secret_keyNoThe secret key of your IAM user. If you use the IAM user-based authentication method to access AWS S3, you must specify this parameter.

For information about how to choose an authentication method for accessing AWS S3 and how to configure an access control policy in AWS IAM Console, see Authentication parameters for accessing AWS S3.


The following examples create an Iceberg catalog named iceberg_catalog_hms or iceberg_catalog_glue, depending on the type of metastore you use, to query data from your Iceberg cluster.


If you choose instance profile-based credential
  • If you use Hive metastore in your Iceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_hms
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "hive",
        "hive.metastore.uris" = "thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:9083",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
  • If you use AWS Glue in your Amazon EMR Iceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_glue
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
        "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.glue.region" = "us-west-2",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
If you choose assumed role-based credential
  • If you use Hive metastore in your HIceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_hms
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "hive",
        "hive.metastore.uris" = "thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:9083",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.s3.iam_role_arn" = "arn:aws:iam::081976408565:role/test_s3_role",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
  • If you use AWS Glue in your Amazon EMR Iceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_glue
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
        "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.glue.iam_role_arn" = "arn:aws:iam::081976408565:role/test_glue_role",
        "aws.glue.region" = "us-west-2",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
        "aws.s3.iam_role_arn" = "arn:aws:iam::081976408565:role/test_s3_role",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
If you choose IAM user-based credential
  • If you use Hive metastore in your Iceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_hms
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "hive",
        "hive.metastore.uris" = "thrift://xx.xx.xx.xx:9083",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "false",
        "aws.s3.access_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
        "aws.s3.secret_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"
  • If you use AWS Glue in your Amazon EMR Iceberg cluster, run a command like below:

    CREATE EXTERNAL CATALOG iceberg_catalog_glue
        "type" = "iceberg",
        "iceberg.catalog.type" = "glue",
        "aws.glue.use_instance_profile" = "false",
        "aws.glue.access_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
        "aws.glue.secret_key" = "<iam_user_secret_key>",
        "aws.glue.region" = "us-west-2",
        "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "false",
        "aws.s3.access_key" = "<iam_user_access_key>",
        "aws.s3.secret_key" = "<iam_user_secret_key>",
        "aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2"

View Iceberg catalogs

You can use SHOW CATALOGS to query all catalogs in your CelerData cloud account:


You can also use SHOW CREATE CATALOG to query the creation statement of an external catalog. The following example queries the creation statement of an Iceberg catalog named iceberg_catalog_glue:

SHOW CREATE CATALOG iceberg_catalog_glue;

Drop an Iceberg catalog

You can use DROP CATALOG to drop an external catalog.

The following example drops an Iceberg catalog named iceberg_catalog_glue:

DROP Catalog iceberg_catalog_glue;

View the schema of an Iceberg table

You can use one of the following syntaxes to view the schema of an Iceberg table:

  • View schema

    DESC[RIBE] <catalog_name>.<database_name>.<table_name>
  • View schema and location from the CREATE statement

    SHOW CREATE TABLE <catalog_name>.<database_name>.<table_name>

Query an Iceberg table

  1. Use SHOW DATABASES to view the databases in your Iceberg cluster.

    SHOW DATABASES <catalog_name>;
  2. Use SET CATALOG to switch to the destination catalog in the current session:

    SET CATALOG <catalog_name>;

    Then, use USE to specify the active database in the current session:

    USE <db_name>;

    Or, you can use USE to directly specify the active database in the destination catalog:

    USE <catalog_name>.<db_name>;
  3. Use SELECT to query the destination table in the specified database:

    SELECT count(*) FROM <table_name> LIMIT 10

Create an Iceberg database

Similar to the internal catalog of CelerData, if you have the CREATE DATABASE privilege on an Iceberg catalog, you can use the CREATE DATABASE statement to create databases in that catalog.


You can grant and revoke privileges by using GRANT and REVOKE.

CREATE DATABASE <database_name>
[properties ("location" = "s3://path_to_db/<database_name.db>/")]

You can use the location parameter to specify the file path in which you want to create the database. If you do not specify the location parameter, CelerData creates the database in the default file path of the Iceberg catalog.

Drop an Iceberg database

Similar to the internal databases of CelerData, if you have the DROP privilege on an Iceberg database, you can use the DROP DATABASE statement to drop that database.


You can grant and revoke privileges by using GRANT and REVOKE.

When you drop an Iceberg database, the database's file path on your cloud storage will not be dropped along with the database.

DROP DATABASE <database_name>;

Create an Iceberg table

Similar to the internal databases of CelerData, if you have the CREATE TABLE privilege on an Iceberg database, you can use the CREATE TABLE or CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) statement to create tables in that database.


You can grant and revoke privileges by using GRANT and REVOKE.


CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [database.]table_name
(column_definition1[, column_definition2, ...
[PROPERTIES ("key" = "value", ...)]
[AS SELECT query]



The syntax of column_definition is as follows:

col_name col_type [COMMENT 'comment']

The following table describes the parameters.

col_nameThe name of the column.
col_typeThe data type of the column. The following data types are supported: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, DATE, DATETIME, CHAR, VARCHAR[(length)], ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT. The LARGEINT, HLL, and BITMAP data types are not supported.


All non-partition columns must use NULL as the default value. This means that you must specify DEFAULT "NULL" for each of the non-partition columns in the table creation statement. Additionally, partition columns must be defined following non-partition columns and cannot use NULL as the default value.


The syntax of partition_desc is as follows:

PARTITION BY (par_col1[, par_col2...])

Currently CelerData only supports identity transforms, which means that CelerData creates a partition for each unique partition value.


Partition columns must be defined following non-partition columns. Partition columns support all data types excluding FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, and DATETIME and cannot use NULL as the default value.


You can specify the table attributes in the "key" = "value" format in properties. See Iceberg table attributes.


  1. Create a non-partitioned table named unpartition_tbl. The table consists of two columns, id and score, as shown below:

    CREATE TABLE unpartition_tbl
        id int,
        score double
  2. Create a partitioned table named partition_tbl. The table consists of three columns, action, id, and dt, of which id and dt are defined as partition columns, as shown below:

    CREATE TABLE partition_tbl
        action varchar(20),
        id int,
        dt date
    PARTITION BY (id,dt);
  3. Create a partitioned table named partition_tbl. The table consists of four columns, v1, v2, k1, and k2, of which k1 and k2 are defined as partition columns. At the same time, specify that CelerData synchronously queries an existing table named employee and inserts the query result into the new table partition_tbl, as shown below:

    CREATE TABLE partition_tbl 
        v1 int,
        v2 int,
        k1 int,
        k2 int
    PARTITION BY (k1, k2)
    AS SELECT * from employee;

Sink data to an Iceberg table


This feature is included in the Premium software edition. Please see the Software editions documentation for details on the differences between Standard and Premium editions if you are subscribed to the Standard edition.

Similar to the internal tables of CelerData, if you have the INSERT privilege on an Iceberg table, you can use the INSERT statement to sink the data of a CelerData table to a Parquet-formatted Iceberg table.


You can grant and revoke privileges by using GRANT and REVOKE.


INSERT {INTO | OVERWRITE} <table_name>
[ (column_name [, ...]) ]
{ VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | query }

-- If you want to sink data to specified partitions, use the following syntax:
INSERT {INTO | OVERWRITE} <table_name>
PARTITION (par_col1=<value> [, par_col2=<value>...])
{ VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | query }


Partition columns do not allow NULL values. Therefore, you must make sure that no empty values are loaded into the partition columns of the Iceberg table.


INTOTo append the data of the CelerData table to the Iceberg table.
OVERWRITETo overwrite the existing data of the Iceberg table with the data of the CelerData table.
column_nameThe name of the destination column to which you want to load data. You can specify one or more columns. If you specify multiple columns, separate them with commas (,). You can only specify columns that actually exist in the Iceberg table, and the destination columns that you specify must include the partition columns of the Iceberg table. The destination columns you specify are mapped one on one in sequence to the columns of the CelerData table, regardless of what the destination column names are. If no destination columns are specified, the data is loaded into all columns of the Iceberg table. If a non-partition column of the CelerData table cannot be mapped to any column of the Iceberg table, CelerData writes the default value NULL to the Iceberg table column. If the INSERT statement contains a query statement whose returned column types differ from the data types of the destination columns, CelerData performs an implicit conversion on the mismatched columns. If the conversion fails, a syntax parsing error will be returned.
expressionExpression that assigns values to the destination column.
DEFAULTAssigns a default value to the destination column.
queryQuery statement whose result will be loaded into the Iceberg table. It can be any SQL statement supported by CelerData.
PARTITIONThe partitions into which you want to load data. You must specify all partition columns of the Iceberg table in this property. The partition columns that you specify in this property can be in a different sequence than the partition columns that you have defined in the table creation statement. If you specify this property, you cannot specify the column_name property.


  1. Insert a data row into the partition_tbl table:

    INSERT INTO partition_tbl SELECT 'pv', 1, '2023-07-21';
  2. Insert the result of a SELECT query, which contains simple computations, into the partition_tbl table:

    INSERT INTO partition_tbl (id, action, dt) SELECT 1+1, 'buy', '2023-07-21';
  3. Insert the result of a SELECT query, which reads data from the partition_tbl table, into the same table:

    INSERT INTO partition_tbl SELECT 'buy', 1, date_add(dt, INTERVAL 2 DAY) FROM partition_tbl WHERE id=1;
  4. Insert the result of a SELECT query into the partitions that meet two conditions, dt=‘2023-07-21’ and id=1, of the partition_table table:

    INSERT INTO partition_table SELECT 'order', 1, '2023-07-21';
    INSERT INTO partition_table (dt='2023-07-21',id=1) SELECT 'order';
  5. Overwrite all action column values in the partitions that meet two conditions, dt=‘2023-07-21’ and id=1, of the partition_table table with close:

    INSERT OVERWRITE partition_table SELECT 'close', 1, '2023-07-21';
    INSERT OVERWRITE partition_table (dt='2023-07-21',id=1) SELECT 'close';

Drop an Iceberg table

Similar to the internal tables of CelerData, if you have the DROP privilege on an Iceberg table, you can use the DROP TABLE statement to drop that Iceberg table.


You can grant and revoke privileges by using GRANT and REVOKE.

When you drop an Iceberg table, the table's file path and data on your cloud storage will not be dropped along with the table.

When you forcibly drop an Iceberg table (namely, with the FORCE keyword specified in the DROP TABLE statement), the table's data on your cloud storage will be dropped along with the table, but the table's file path is retained.

DROP TABLE <table_name> [FORCE];