Loading from Apache Kafka/Confluent Cloud

CelerData Cloud Serverless can continuously load data from Kafka service, such as self-managed Apache Kafka, Confluent Cloud, and Amazon MSK. This tutorial uses Confluent Cloud as an example to demonstrate how to load data from Kafka service into CelerData.


Loading data from other Kafka service, such as a self-managed Kafka cluster or Amazon MSK to CelerData may involve complex concepts and operations, such as VPC. For users who are not familiar with these concepts and operations, it is recommended to go through this tutorial first which already prepares a Confluent cluster public to users.

After reading this tutorial, you will be able to load data by using Routine Load.

This tutorial loads JSON formatted data. For loading data of other formats, see CREATE ROUTINE LOAD.

Interface: SQL

Estimated time: 20 minutes


The tutorial assumes the following:

You have a CelerData cloud account and a user with the necessary privileges to create databases and tables. If you do not fulfill these prerequisites, follow the instructions in Sign up for CelerData Cloud Serverless.

To navigate you though this tutorial, CelerData already prepares a Confluent cluster with sample data. You just need to create a database and a table, before beginning the journey of data loading.

Sample data

The sample data from Confluent Cloud is generated based on the Confluent Cloud tutorial. Each message is a JSON object representing a row of data to be loaded. One sample message is as follows:

    "registertime": 1493987388929,
    "userid": "User_3",
    "regionid": "Region_8",
    "gender": "OTHER"

Create a database and a table

Create a database mydatabase and a table myusers in CelerData.


USE mydatabase;
CREATE TABLE myusers (
    userid VARCHAR(50),
    regionid VARCHAR(50),
    gender VARCHAR(50),
    registertime BIGINT
"replication_num" = "3"

Load data

Load data using Routine Load

Execute the CREATE ROUTINE LOAD command to create a Routine Load job tutorials_users_test1. This job runs continuously, consuming messages from the topic users of the Confluent cluster and loading data into the table myusers. To ensure a smooth experience, CelerData has prepared the Confluent cluster. You can access the Confluent cluster by using the connection and authentication parameters as follows.

CREATE ROUTINE LOAD mydatabase.tutorials_users_test1 ON myusers
COLUMNS(userid, regionid, gender, registertime)
    'format' = 'json',
    'jsonpaths' = '["$.userid","$.regionid","$.gender", "$.registertime"]'
    'kafka_broker_list' = 'pkc-n98pk.us-west-2.aws.confluent.cloud:9092',
    'kafka_topic' = 'users',
    'property.kafka_default_offsets' = 'OFFSET_BEGINNING',
    'property.security.protocol' = 'SASL_SSL',
    'property.sasl.mechanism' = 'PLAIN',
    'property.sasl.username' = 'HALNAFT2X4IKVWYY',
    'property.sasl.password' = 'PF1L6aZ5kEXG5/q8heq5onDmLs6BeekC9X3pFWyuc+AZxw5DYUqBihJjXhKjFJw/'


  • 'format' = 'json': the format of messages as JSON.
  • jsonpaths: the names of the fields that you want to load from JSON-formatted messages into the table myusers. The names of fields need to be matched one-to-one with the values in COLUMNS.
  • kafka_broker_list: the Bootstrap server address of the Confluent cluster.
  • kafka_topic: the topic that contains JSON-formatted messages.
  • 'property.kafka_default_offsets' = 'OFFSET_BEGINNING': specifies that data is consumed from the beginning of each partition.
  • property.security.protocol and property.sasl.*: the security and authentication information used by CelerData to connect the Confluent cluster.

Check the load status

Execute the SHOW ROUTINE LOAD command to check the status of that Routine Load job.

SHOW ROUTINE LOAD for tutorials_users_test1;

The returned result displays the job execution information:

| Id    | Name                  | CreateTime          | PauseTime | EndTime | DbName     | TableName | State   | DataSourceType | CurrentTaskNum | JobProperties                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | DataSourceProperties                                                                                       | CustomProperties                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | Statistic                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Progress     | ReasonOfStateChanged | ErrorLogUrls | OtherMsg |
| 32070 | tutorials_users_test1 | 2023-10-18 01:34:51 | NULL      | NULL    | mydatabase | myusers   | RUNNING | KAFKA          | 1              | {"partitions":"*","partial_update":"false","columnToColumnExpr":"userid,regionid,gender,registertime","maxBatchIntervalS":"10","partial_update_mode":"null","whereExpr":"*","dataFormat":"json","timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","format":"json","log_rejected_record_num":"0","taskTimeoutSecond":"60","json_root":"","maxFilterRatio":"1.0","strict_mode":"false","jsonpaths":"[\"$.userid\",\"$.regionid\",\"$.gender\", \"$.registertime\"]","taskConsumeSecond":"15","desireTaskConcurrentNum":"5","maxErrorNum":"0","strip_outer_array":"false","currentTaskConcurrentNum":"1","maxBatchRows":"200000"} | {"topic":"users","currentKafkaPartitions":"0","brokerList":"pkc-n98pk.us-west-2.aws.confluent.cloud:9092"} | {"security.protocol":"SASL_SSL","sasl.username":"HALNAFT2X4IKVWYY","sasl.mechanism":"PLAIN","kafka_default_offsets":"OFFSET_BEGINNING","group.id":"tutorials_users_test1_e6d9543c-fdca-47ac-a9af-30c779c84fb6","sasl.password":"******"} | {"receivedBytes":756781,"errorRows":0,"committedTaskNum":1,"loadedRows":8699,"loadRowsRate":14000,"abortedTaskNum":0,"totalRows":8699,"unselectedRows":0,"receivedBytesRate":1246000,"taskExecuteTimeMs":607} | {"0":"8698"} |                      |              |          |
  • The Statistic field shows the current loading information of that Routine Load job. For example, the loadedRows key shows the number of loaded data rows.
  • The Progress field shows the current offset being consumed of each Kafka partition.

When the job is running successfully, you can query the data loaded into the table.

SELECT * FROM myusers LIMIT 3;

Clean up the environment

Congratulations! You have finished your journey with a data load on CelerData Cloud Serverless!

Use the following statement to drop mydatabase you created for a test run.