
pipes provides information about all pipes stored in the current or specified database.

The following fields are provided in pipes:

DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the database in which the pipe is stored.
PIPE_IDThe unique ID of the pipe.
PIPE_NAMEThe name of the pipe.
TABLE_NAMEThe name of the destination table. Format: <database_name>.<table_name>.
STATEThe status of the pipe. Valid values: RUNNING, FINISHED, SUSPENDED, and ERROR.
LOAD_STATUSThe overall status of the data files to be loaded via the pipe, including the following sub-fields:
  • loadedFiles: the number of data files that have been loaded.
  • loadedBytes: the volume of data that has been loaded, measured in bytes.
  • loadingFiles: the number of data files that are being loaded.
LAST_ERRORThe details about the last error that occurred during the pipe execution. Default value: NULL.
CREATED_TIMEThe date and time when the pipe was created. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
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