Duplicate Key table

The Duplicate Key table is the default table type in CelerData. If you did not specify a type when you create a table, a Duplicate Key table is created by default.

When you create a Duplicate Key table, you can define a sort key for that table. If the filter conditions contain the sort key columns, CelerData can quickly filter data from the table to accelerate queries. A Duplicate Key table allows you to append new data to it, but it does not allow you to modify the existing data in it.


The Duplicate Key table is suitable for the following scenarios:

  • Analyze raw data, such as raw logs and raw operation records.
  • Query data by using a variety of methods without being limited by the pre-aggregation method.
  • Load log data or time-series data. New data is written in append-only mode, and existing data is not updated.

Create a table

Suppose that you want to analyze the event data over a specific time range. In this example, create a table named detail and define event_time and event_type as sort key columns.

    event_time DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "datetime of event",
    event_type INT NOT NULL COMMENT "type of event",
    user_id INT COMMENT "id of user",
    device_code INT COMMENT "device code",
    channel INT COMMENT ""
DUPLICATE KEY(event_time, event_type)


  • When you create a table, you can specify the bucketing column by using the DISTRIBUTED BY HASH clause.
  • CelerData can automatically set the number of buckets (BUCKETS) when you create a table or add a partition. You no longer need to manually set the number of buckets.

Usage notes

  • Take note of the following points about the sort key of a table:

    • You can use the DUPLICATE KEY keyword to explicitly define the columns that comprise the sort key.


      By default, if you do not explicitly specify sort key columns, CelerData uses the first three columns as sort key columns.

    • In the Duplicate Key table, the sort key can consist of some or all of the dimension columns.

  • You can create indexes such as BITMAP indexes and Bloomfilter indexes at table creation.

  • If two identical records are loaded, the Duplicate Key table retains them as two records, rather than one.

What to do next

You can load data into a Duplicate Key table. For more information, see Data loading.


When you load data into a Duplicate Key table, you can only append data to the table. You cannot modify the existing data in the table.