
  • This article uses *CONVERT_TZ* as an example to illustrate the requirements for writing functions documentation.
  • If the documentation cites the following syntax and examples, please use code blocks.


Convert a date and time from one time zone to another.

What does this function do.


CONVERT_TZ(dt, from_tz, to_tz)

The syntax of this function. Enclose the syntax in code blocks.


  • dt : the data and time to convert. DATETIME is supported.

  • from_tz : the source time zone. VARCHAR is supported. The time zone can be represented in two formats: one is Time Zone Database (for example, Asia/Shanghai), the other is UTC offset (for example, +08:00).

  • to_tz: the destination time zone. VARCHAR is supported. Its format is the same as from_tz.

  • The format is *parameter*: *description* + *data type* (please list all the data types supported).
  • The description must include information, such as parameter description, value format, value range, whether this parameter is required, formats and units when different data types are used.
  • The data types must be capitalized, for example, DATETIME.

Return value

Returns a value of the DATETIME data type.

  • The data type must be capitalized.
  • Additional notes can be provided if necessary, for example,
  • Types of the return value if the input value supports multiple data types.
  • Type of the error returned (for example, NULL) if the data type of the input value is not supported.

Usage notes

For the Time Zone Database, please refer to tz database time zones (in Wikipedia).

You can also add some notes or precautions for using this function. (optional)


Example 1: Convert a date and time in Shanghai to Los_Angeles.

MySQL > select convert_tz('2019-08-01 13:21:03', 'Asia/Shanghai', 'America/Los_Angeles');
        -> 2019-07-31 22:21:03                                                       |

Example 2: Convert a date and time in UTC+08:00 to Los_Angeles.

MySQL > select convert_tz('2019-08-01 13:21:03', '+08:00', 'America/Los_Angeles');
| convert_tz('2019-08-01 13:21:03', '+08:00', 'America/Los_Angeles') |
| 2019-07-31 22:21:03                                                |
  • Provide examples for using this function and describe the purpose of each example to help users quickly understand the example.
  • Enclose the code of different use scenarios in different code blocks.
  • If you need to describe more than one scenario in an example, add a comment for each scenario to help users quickly distinguish between them.
  • If the returned result is simple, the format in example 1 is recommended. Otherwise, the format in example 2 is recommended.