
materialized_views provides information about all asynchronous materialized views.

The following fields are provided in materialized_views:

MATERIALIZED_VIEW_IDID of the materialized view.
TABLE_SCHEMADatabase in which the materialized view resides.
TABLE_NAMEName of the materialized view.
REFRESH_TYPERefresh type of the materialized view. Valid values: ROLLUP, ASYNC, and MANUAL.
IS_ACTIVEIndicates whether the materialized view is active. Inactive materialized views cannot be refreshed or queried.
INACTIVE_REASONThe reason that the materialized view is inactive.
PARTITION_TYPEType of partitioning strategy for the materialized view.
TASK_IDID of the task responsible for refreshing the materialized view.
TASK_NAMEName of the task responsible for refreshing the materialized view.
LAST_REFRESH_START_TIMEStart time of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_FINISHED_TIMEEnd time of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_DURATIONDuration of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_STATEState of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_FORCE_REFRESHIndicates whether the most recent refresh task was a force refresh.
LAST_REFRESH_START_PARTITIONStarting partition for the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_END_PARTITIONEnding partition for the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_BASE_REFRESH_PARTITIONSBase table partitions involved in the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_MV_REFRESH_PARTITIONSMaterialized view partitions refreshed in the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_ERROR_CODEError code of the most recent refresh task.
LAST_REFRESH_ERROR_MESSAGEError message of the most recent refresh task.
TABLE_ROWSNumber of data rows in the materialized view, based on approximate background statistics.
MATERIALIZED_VIEW_DEFINITIONSQL definition of the materialized view.
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