Query a warehouse

Queries a specific warehouse.


This operation requires the View cluster privilege.


Basic information
HTTP URLhttps://cloud-api.celerdata.com/api/1.0/warehouses/:warehouse_id
HTTP methodGET

Path variables

ParameterExample valueRequiredTypeDescription
warehouse_idff09d6ac-b821-447d-b4c1-59167d022c8bYesStringThe ID of the warehouse.

Header parameters

ParameterExample valueRequiredTypeDescription
AuthorizationBearer OGQ5MDA4MZGTNJMWNS0ZY2Y2LWFJNZYTOTBINMZIYTGZZDUYYesStringThe access token used to access the CelerData Cloud BYOC API. Format: Bearer <access_token>.

See Obtain access token.


Sample response

    "code": 20000,
    "data": {
        "warehouse_id": "ff09d6ac-b821-447d-b4c1-59167d022c8b",
        "warehouse_name": "test",
        "node_count": 2,
        "state": "SUSPENDED",
        "is_default": false

Response elements

ParameterExample valueTypeDescription
code20000IntegerThe error code. If the error code returned is 20000, the request succeeded. If any other error code is returned, the request failed.
data-ObjectThe result of the API call. The data object may not be returned for some API actions. It returns the object of warehouse information.
data.warehouse_id-StringThe ID of the warehouse.
data.warehouse_name-StringThe name of the warehouse.
data.node_count-IntegerThe number of Compute Nodes in the warehouse.
data.state-StringThe status of the warehouse. Valid values:
  • STOP
data.is_defaulttrueBooleanWhether the warehouse is the default warehouse.
message-StringThe error message. This element is returned only when the code returned is not 20000.
Do not conclude whether a request succeeded or failed based on the return value of message.