Invite members

Invites members to a CelerData Cloud BYOC account.


Basic Information

Request body

ParameterExample valueRequiredTypeDescription
members[{ "lastName": "Doe", "firstName": "John", "email": "", "roles": ["12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"] }]YesArrayAn array of Member objects to be invited. Each object contains lastName, firstName, email, and roles (optional). See Member object for more information.
defaultRoles["12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"]NoArrayAn array of IDs representing the default roles assigned to all invited members. You can obtain role IDs using the API role-list. This parameter will not take effect on the Member objects that have specified the roles parameter. The system-defined role Public is compulsorily assigned to all members regardless of whether its ID is specified.

Member object

ParameterExample valueRequiredTypeDescription
firstName"Doe"YesStringThe last name of the member.
lastName"John"YesStringThe first name of the member.
email""YesStringThe email address of the member.
roles["12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"]NoArrayAn array of IDs representing the roles assigned to the member. You can obtain role IDs using the API role-list.

Header parameters

ParameterExample valueRequiredTypeDescription
AuthorizationBearer OGQ5MDA4MZGTNJMWNS0ZY2Y2LWFJNZYTOTBINMZIYTGZZDUYYesStringThe access token used to access the CelerData Cloud API. Format: Bearer <access_token>.

See Obtain access token.


Sample response

    "successes": [
            "email": "",
            "bizID": "qwertyui-2db1-4d01-a045-936da932bc59"
    "failures": [
            "email": "",
            "msg": "member exist"

Response elements

ParameterExample valueTypeDescription
successes-ArrayAn array of objects representing successfully invited members. Each object contains email and bizID.
successes[0]-ObjectThe details of a successfully invited member.
successes[0].email""StringThe email address of the invited member.
successes[0].bizID"qwertyui-2db1-4d01-a045-936da932bc59"StringThe business ID assigned to the successfully invited member.
failures-ArrayAn array of objects representing members that failed to be invited. Each object contains email and msg.
failures[0]-ObjectThe details of a member failed to be invited.
failures[0].email""StringThe email address of the member failed to be invited.
failures[0].msg"member exist"StringThe reason that the invitation failed, for example, member exist, or role doesn't exist.