🗃️ Amazon AWS
10 items
🗃️ Microsoft Azure
6 items
🗃️ Data types
5 items
🗃️ SQL Functions
26 items
🗃️ SQL statements
16 items
📄️ Error Codes
This section describes the common error codes for query requests.
📄️ System limits
This topic describes the rules and limits that apply when you use CelerData.
📄️ System variables
CelerData provides many system variables that can be set and modified to suit your requirements. This section describes the variables supported by CelerData. You can view the settings of these variables by running the SHOW VARIABLES command on your MySQL client. You can also use the SET command to dynamically set or modify variables. You can make these variables take effect globally on the entire system, only in the current session, or only in a single query statement.
🗃️ Information Schema
32 items
🗃️ System metadatabase
5 items
📄️ User-defined variables
This topic describes how to declare and use user-defined variables.