🗃️ Data Access Control
4 items
📄️ Manage privileges for policies
Privilege items
📄️ Masking policies
This topic describes what a masking policy is, how to create and apply a masking policy, a use case about phone number masking, how to manage masking policies, and the limits when you work with a masking policy.
📄️ Understand column and row-level security
📄️ Overview of data access control
CelerData employs a role-based access control (RBAC) framework, which allows cluster administrators to precisely manage and regulate access to objects or data in their CelerData clusters.
📄️ Row access policies
This topic describes what a row access policy is, how to create and apply a row access policy, two use cases in typical scenarios, how to manage row access policies, and the limits when you work with a row access policy.