📄️ Loading options
Data loading is the process of cleansing and transforming raw data from various data sources based on your business requirements and loading the resulting data into StarRocks to facilitate analysis.
📄️ Batch load data from Amazon S3
CelerData provides the following options for loading data from AWS S3:
📄️ Batch load data from Azure cloud storage
CelerData provides two options for loading data from Microsoft Azure Storage:
📄️ Load data from a local file system
CelerData allows you to load data from a local file system by using Stream Load.
🗃️ Load from Confluent Cloud
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📄️ Load data from Amazon MSK
This topic introduces how to create a Routine Load job to stream messages (events) from Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) into CelerData.
📄️ Load data from Amazon Kinesis
This topic describes how to load data from Amazon Kinesis into CelerData.
🗃️ Strict mode
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📄️ Load data using INSERT
This topic describes how to load data into StarRocks by using a SQL statement - INSERT.